InfluxDB Source

Configuration Dialog Basic

The InfluxDB Source node reads data from an InfluxDB Server.



Configuration Dialog Basic
OPC Connection

Select a InfluxDB connection configured in the Global Configurations

Pass Through

If this function is activated, all signals of the incoming data group are forwarded to the output data group. If the name of an output signal is identical to the name of an input signal, the output signal is used and the input is discarded.

Default: disabled

Name Column (optional)

The result column of the query to use for the signal name, if no column is specified the measurement will be used.

Time Column (optional)

The result column of the query to use for the timestamp, if no column is specified the default time column will be used.

Value Column (optional)

The result column of the query to use for the value, if no column is specified the default value column will be used.

Quality Column (optional)

The result column of the query to use for the quality, if no column is specified the quality will always be true.


A Flux query that selects the required data.

The following variables are set during execution for use in the query:


This is set to the string "<database>/<retention policy>"


This is set to the start timestamp of the data group


This is set to the start timestamp of the data group

An example of a query that selects everything from the measurement signals from the database.

from(bucket: defaultBucket)
|> range(start: timeRangeStart, stop: timeRangeEnd)
|> filter(fn:(r) => r._measurement == ""signals"")


Configuration Dialog Signals

Define the signals to retrieve from the InfluxDB Server.

InfluxDB Name

The name of the signal from the the InfluxDB server.

Flow Name (optional)

The name of the signal in the incoming data group. If this field is empty the Flow Name is the same as the InfluxDB Name.