VFS Package
The package should contain the folders, files, and the “vfs.spec” file. The “vfs.spec” file should contain the basic structure with the associated rights (see ACL ).
schemaVersion = 1
bucket_rights = [
right = "Read"
access_control = "Allow"
identity {
name = "root"
type = "user"
items = [
name = "Direectory2"
protected_rules = false
path_type = 1
rights = [
right = "Read"
access_control = "Allow"
identity {
name = "us55"
type = "user"
right = "ChangePermissions"
access_control = "Allow"
identity {
name = "root"
type = "user"
right = "Write"
access_control = "Allow"
identity {
name = "Users"
type = "group"
right = "ChangePermissions"
access_control = "Allow"
identity {
name = "Users"
type = "group"
items = [
name = "file1.docx"
protected_rules = false
path_type = 2
rights = [
right = "FullControl"
access_control = "Allow"
identity {
name = "root"
type = "user"
right = "Write"
access_control = "Deny"
identity {
name = "root"
type = "user"