
The granularity is defined as follows (as BNF):

Granularity    ::=  WS* ("none" | "0" | Timedefinition) WS*
Timedefinition ::=  ( int WS* ( "d" | "D" | "day" ) )? WS*
                    ( int WS* ( "h" | "H" | "hour" ) )? WS*
                    ( int WS* ( "m" | "M" | "minute" ) )? WS*
                    ( int WS* ( "s" | "S" | "second" ) )? WS*
                    ( int WS* ( "ms" | "MS" ) )? WS*
                    ( int WS* ( "t" | "T" ) )
int            ::=  DIGIT+
DIGIT          ::=  "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
WS             ::=  " " | "\t"
  • The granularity shall not be greater than one (1) day.

  • One (1) day must be divisible by the granularity without remainder.