CSV Parser


The CSV Parser node reads data groups(s) that are CSV formatted from the in port.



Configuration Dialog Basic


Time Zone

The timezone to be used for writing timestamps.

Data Granularity

The data granularity of the signals (see Granularity ).

Row Parse Error Behavior

The behavior of the node when an error occurs while parsing a row.

Continue Import

Skips the lines with errors and logs a warning with the error.

Drop Data

Cancels the parsing and logs an error. The file will be send to the binary error port.

Default: Continue Import

Filename Parsing

Parse Filename

If enabled filename will be parsed using the Filename Expression and the File Timestamp Format.

Default: checked

Filename Expression

The regular expression for parsing the filename.


It is required to use a capturing group named Timestamp in the regular expression.

For an overview of the regular expression language see the Microsoft Docs. The regular expression options IgnoreCase and Singleline are used.

Default: ^FileName(?<Timestamp>d{12}).TXT$

File Timestamp Format

The format to use for parsing the timestamp that has been extracted from the filename. For formatting the timestamp value see Standard date and time format strings and Custom date and time format strings.

Default: yyyyMMddHHmm


Group By

This parameter specifies how the data in the file is grouped into one or more data groups.

File Timestamp

All data in the file is in one datagroup, the grouping timestamp is the one that has been extracted from the filename.


The data is grouped using the specified Group By Granularity and aligning the timestamps according to the Group By Granularity Mode


One data group per month will generated

Default: File Timestamp

Treat Timestamp As

This determines how the timestamps are aligned when Granularity is used for the Group By Timestamp parameter.

Use Start

Uses the exact or previous valid timestamp for the specified Group By Granularity

Use End

Uses the exact or next valid timestamp for the specified Group By Granularity


This specifies the granularity of how the timestamps are aligned when Granularity is used for the Group By Timestamp parameter (see Granularity ).

Default: 6m

CSV Format

Column Separator

The character used to separate the columns.

Default: ;

Skip Lines At The Beginning

The number of lines to skip in the file before parsing starts.

Default: 0

Read Header

If enabled a header names will be read from the file and used for field selection.

Default: disabled

Ignore Blank Lines

If this option is enabled, empty lines in the file will be skipped.

Default: disabled


Configuration Dialog Fields

Here you can specify the columns to be written file using the Enabled parameter. The order of the columns can be changed by setting the Column Index.

Signal Name

This specifies how to read the name of the signal.

Column Index

The zero based column index in the CSV file.

Default: 0

Header Name

The name of the header to match Read Header is enabled.


This specifies how to read the timestamp of the datapoint.

Column Index

The zero based column index in the CSV file.

Default: 1

Header Name

The name of the header to match Read Header is enabled.

Use File Timestamp

If enabled use the timestamp that was extracted from the filename for the datapoints.


This option is currently not implemented.

Default: disabled

Timestamp Format

The format to use for writing timestamps. For formating the timestamp value see Standard date and time format strings and Custom date and time format strings.

Default: yyyyMMddHHmmss


This specifies how to read the value of the datapoint.

Column Index

The zero based column index in the CSV file.

Default: 2

Header Name

The name of the header to match Read Header is enabled.

Decimal Separator

The character used as the decimal point when writing numeric values.

Default: .


This specifies how to read the quality of the datapoint.

Column Index

The zero based column index in the CSV file.

Default: 3

Header Name

The name of the header to match Read Header is enabled.

Quality Good Value

The string that indicates that the quality is good.

Default: 1

Quality Bad Value

The string that indicates that the quality is bad.

Default: 0

Quality Static Value

If the option Use Static Value is activated, this value (activated = good, deactivated = bad) is used for the quality.

Default: disabled

Use Static Value

If enabled the Quality Static Value will be used for the quality.

Default: disabled


Configuration Dialog Signals

Define the signals to read from the CSV file.

CSV Name

The name of the signal in the file.

Flow Name (Optional)

The name of the signal in the outgoing data group. If this field is empty the Flow Name is the same as the CSV Name.

Match Type

The name of the signal in the incoming data group.

Full Name

Matching the incoming signal name with the CSV Name.

Wild Card

Matching the incoming signal name with the CSV Name allowing wildcards (* and ?).

Regular Expression

Matching the incoming signal name with a regular expression specified in the CSV Name. For an overview of the regular expression language see the Microsoft Docs. The regular expression options Singleline are used.

Default: Full Name